Is Paintless Dent Repair covered by Insurance in Michigan?
Typically, the type of insurance policy determines whether Paintless Dent Repair is covered by Insurance in Michigan. You will need a comprehensive or collision policy. Michigan No Fault Insurance is how claims are handled, not the type of coverage you have.
In general, a comprehensive policy covers PDR. The comprehensive portion of your insurance policy covers “act of God” instances. In easier terms, damage that is beyond your control. These include damage from deer, hail storms, wind/debris damage, falling objects, and various other types of damage. The deductible for comprehensive insurance is usually lower than the collision deductible.
When your vehicle is damaged, the insurance company should be contacted. Your agent can answer whether insurance will pay for Paintless Dent Repair. Your agent may not be aware of PDR. As long as you have comprehensive insurance, you can choose the type of repair done to your vehicle.
Furthermore, collision coverage can also be used to pay for Paintless Dent Repair in Michigan. Typically, a higher deductible applies. Be aware, you could still save money on repair costs going this route. Paintless dent repair is a good repair for dents without paint damage. Not all collision damage results in paint damage or need for parts replacement.
In conclusion, paintless dent repair is an insurance approved method and is covered by insurance in Michigan. With over 35 years in the industry, MI Dent Guy can answer your questions on this matter. We handle your insurance claim from start to finish. Call Today for a Free Consultation and Estimate. 269-506-1598